Happy New Year in Bosnian



BOSNIAN sretna nova godina General: Sretna Nova godina! (pronounced: sret-na no-va go-di-na) - This is the most common and versatile way to say "Happy New Year" in Bosnian. It literally translates to "Happy New Year!" Živjela Nova godina! (pronounced: zhi-ve-la no-va go-di-na) - This literally translates to "Long live the New Year!" and is a more enthusiastic way to say "Happy New Year!" Sretne praznike! (pronounced: sret-ne praz-ni-ke) - This is a general way to wish someone happy holidays, encompassing Christmas and New Year's. More specific: Želim ti mnogo zdravlja, sreće i uspjeha u Novoj godini! (pronounced: zhe-lim ti mno-go zдрав-lja, sre-che i us-pje-ha u no-voj go-di-ni) - This wishes the person good health, happiness, and success in the New Year. Neka ti Nova godina donese sve što ti srce želi! (pronounced: ne-ka ti no-va go-di-na do-ne-se sve shto ti sr-ce zhe-li) - This wishes the person for the New Year to bring them everything their heart desires. Svo najbolje u Novoj godini! (pronounced: svo naj-bolj-e u no-voj go-di-ni) - This is a simple way to say "All the best in the New Year!" Formal: Sretnu Novu godinu i sve najbolje želim! (pronounced: sret-nu no-vu go-di-nu i sve naj-bolj-e zhe-lim) - This is a more formal way to say "Happy New Year and all the best!