People who were born in 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 belong to Pig sign.
Lucky Colors: yellow, grey, brown, gold Lucky Numbers: 2,5,8. Numbers like 25,58,28, 82, 85 Lucky days : 17th and 24th of Chinese Lunar month Lucky Flowers: daisy, hydranga Luck Directions: East, south west Lucky Lunar months : 2,7,10th, 11th Compatible partner : Goat, Tiger, Rabbit Least compatible partner : Monkey, Snake Unlucky numbers : 1 Pig's Personality attributesOnce they find compatiable partner - they commit for long term. Due to poor communication , sometime they face issue in relationship. Many of these qualities of Pig are similar to "Virgo" zodiac sign. So if you are Virgo and "Pig" by Chinese calendar - you will see theseattributes strogly. |
2017 Animal-goat-attribu