Movie Title Director Genre Release Date
Avengers: Endgame Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi April 26, 2019
Joker Todd Phillips Crime, Drama, Thriller October 4, 2019
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Quentin Tarantino Comedy, Drama July 26, 2019
Parasite Bong Joon-ho Comedy, Drama, Thriller May 30, 2019
The Irishman Martin Scorsese Biography, Crime, Drama November 1, 2019
Marriage Story Noah Baumbach Drama, Romance November 6, 2019
1917 Sam Mendes Drama, War December 25, 2019
Little Women Greta Gerwig Drama, Romance December 25, 2019
Knives Out Rian Johnson Comedy, Crime, Drama November 27, 2019
Ford v Ferrari James Mangold Action, Biography, Drama November 15, 2019

2019 was a great year for movies, with many critically acclaimed films released. Some of the best movies of the year include:

  • Avengers: Endgame - the epic conclusion to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Infinity Saga.
  • Joker - a dark and gritty origin story for the iconic Batman villain.
  • Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Quentin Tarantino's love letter to 1960s Hollywood.
  • Parasite - a South Korean film about a poor family who infiltrates a wealthy household.
  • The Irishman - Martin Scorsese's epic crime drama about a hitman who reflects on his life.
  • Marriage Story - a heart-wrenching drama about a couple going through a divorce.
  • 1917 - a World War I film shot to look like one continuous take.
  • Little Women - a modern retelling of the classic novel by Louisa May Alcott.
  • Knives Out - a murder mystery with an all-star cast.
  • Ford v Ferrari - a thrilling biopic about the rivalry between Ford and Ferrari in the 1960s.

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