Movie Title Director Genre IMDb Rating
Argo Ben Affleck Drama, Thriller 7.7
Django Unchained Quentin Tarantino Western, Drama 8.4
The Avengers Joss Whedon Action, Sci-Fi 8.0
Silver Linings Playbook David O. Russell Comedy, Drama 7.7
Life of Pi Ang Lee Adventure, Drama 7.9
Lincoln Steven Spielberg Drama, History 7.3
Zero Dark Thirty Kathryn Bigelow Drama, Thriller 7.4
The Dark Knight Rises Christopher Nolan Action, Thriller 8.4
Les Mis�rables Tom Hooper Drama, Musical 7.6
Skyfall Sam Mendes Action, Thriller 7.7
Beasts of the Southern Wild Benh Zeitlin Drama, Fantasy 7.3
Moonrise Kingdom Wes Anderson Comedy, Drama 7.8
Amour Michael Haneke Drama, Romance 7.9
Looper Rian Johnson Action, Sci-Fi 7.4
The Master Paul Thomas Anderson Drama 7.1
Flight Robert Zemeckis Drama, Thriller 7.3
The Perks of Being a Wallflower Stephen Chbosky Drama, Romance 8.0
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Peter Jackson Adventure, Fantasy 7.8
Anna Karenina Joe Wright Drama, Romance 6.6

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